Social customs and British culture

English & Culture: Experience London (40+) – Study British English

England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all contributed to the wonderful and distinctive blend that is British culture. British culture is highly rich and diversified and is what they like to refer to as "cultural capital," thanks to the blending of all these countries' customs. British people tend to think of themselves as having excellent taste in everything, including food, dress, music, and movies. 

You might already be aware that Brits adore tea and the British Royal family. You still have a lot to learn about British culture, traditions, and customs, though.


Despite their image for being distant from others, British people actually prefer cheek kisses as a form of greeting. In the UK, you don't only shake hands with excellent friends or family members when you welcome them. A handshake or a grin can go a long way if you are not a close friend or family member because other people may find physical contact weird.

Social Separation 

Regardless of the relationship, the British's distant demeanor is evident when they are chatting to someone since they like to maintain a socially acceptable gap between them and the person they are speaking to. In the UK, talking to someone in a public setting without respecting their personal space is considered disrespectful.


British people hold punctuality with high regard. In the UK, if you are late once, you probably won't be late again. Particularly when attending private dinner parties or someone's house, the Brits view being late as disrespectful and impolite. Make sure to notify the host in advance if you won't be able to make it on time for a location or event. 

Observe the line 

When it comes to standing in line, whether it be at the grocery store or the theater, Brits love to adhere to the rules. Those who are bold enough to skip the line will probably be called out. Be ready to be screamed at or perhaps kicked out of the queue if you do, for whatever reason, jump the line.

Good Behavior 

Do you believe Canadians to be courteous? Rethink that! The British love to say sorry, thank you, and please, despite their reputation. Being nice is always valued in Britain, no matter who you are speaking to. 

Daily 100 million cups of tea 

It is no secret that the Brits enjoy their tea, and they frequently declare it to be their favorite time of the day. British people can be found sipping tea at any social event, whether it's a birthday party or a coffee shop. The milk is what gives English tea its unique flavor. The amount of tea consumed annually in England is estimated to be 36 billion cups, according to research on the subject.


  1. British culture is different and I'm impressed

  2. This culture is so different and it's interesting I like to hear and learn more about it

  3. They don't hide anything about their culture πŸ‘ŒI like it

  4. I wish I was British ❤️πŸ”₯

  5. Everything they do makes me jealous 🀠

  6. Wow impressive πŸ₯ΊπŸ”₯!


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